Monday, June 25, 2012

PIES in managing our wealth

Whenever we talk about properties,our topics will come to how much the wealth that we have? Land, money, gold (dinar), silver (dirham), cars,? Yes, all those assets that can be physically seen. Haven't we realise that, Allah also bless us with many 'assets' that convert into wealth?

To summarise, the asset that Allah gives to us can be categorised into the acroynm which is P-I-E-S

P- Physical (Money, car, building etc)
I - Intellectual (Knowledge & Skills)
E-Emotional (Networking & Health)
S- Spiritual (Du'a)

Yes ! When we say SUBHANALLAH, ALHAMDULILLAH, ALLHUAKBAR after solah, we have to realise that, the word SUBHANALLAH (Glory/praise to Allah) ; we actually need to calculate 'what are the blessings that have been given to us?'.

Next, when we saya 'ALHAMDULILLAH' ; "Praise to God", we actually need to utilize all the abilities (assets) that we have, we've to invest them !

Lastly, the word 'ALLAHUAKBAR' ! ;"Allah is the almighty!" is ACTION-ORIENTED !

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